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Profile picture for SHAO Dan

Contact Information

East Asian Languages and Cultures
2090A Foreign Language Building
707 South Mathews
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Office Hours

By appointment
Department Head (January 1, 2024- ), Associate Professor

Research Interests

legal history,  nationality law, cultures of law, gender studies, gender and law, medical history of ethics and law, borderland studies, ethnic groups in China, U.S.-East Asia relationship, Sino-Japanese relationship

Research Description

As a historian, I primarily study the historical roots of contemporary problems, and particularly problems concerning the making, shifting, and lifting of boundaries and borders in Chinese society. I pay special attention to peoples and places on the margins, intending to enrich our understanding of China as a historical concept and to bridge the gap between Asia-based and Europe/U.S.-based studies on common problems about social boundaries and legal borders. I have endeavored to cross the historical marks that conventionally distinguish “modern” from “pre-modern” and to traverse the existing national borders that define China.


PhD, History Department, University of California Santa Barbara
LLM, College of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


  • 2022-2023        Chancellor’s Call to Action to Address Racism & Social Injustice Research Program grant, UIUC
  • Summer 2021   Illinois Global Institute Curriculum Development Grant, “Yellow Peril Redux: From Coolies to Cars, Trade Wars and Coronavirus (1800s-present)”
  • 2019-2020        Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Research Cluster
  • 2015-2018        Title VI Grant for course development, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies
  • 2014-2016        INTERSECT Grant, Cultures of Law in Global Contexts project
  • 2013-2014        Center for Advanced Studies Residence Fellow, CAS Initiative on Cultures of Law in Global Contexts, UIUC
  • 2013-2015        Andrew Mellon New Directions Grant
  • 2012-2016        Conrad Humanities Scholar Award, UIUC
  • 2012-2014        INTERSECT Grant, Cultures of Law in Global Contexts project
  • 2011-2012        ACLS Grant, Research in Humanities in China-NEH
  • 2011-2012        Illinois Program of Research in Humanities Fellowship, UIUC
  • 2009-2010        Law and Society in China, Focal Point Initiative Grant, UIUC, Graduate College (Collaboration with Law faculty)



Awards and Honors

2012-2016 Conrad Humanities Scholar Award
2013-2014 Resident Associate, Center for Advanced Studies, UIUC
2011-2012 IPRH Fellowship, UIUC
2009-2010 Beckman Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, UIUC
2003-2004 An-Wang postdoctoral fellowship, Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University

Courses Taught

EALC 550/398 Cultures of Law in China
EALC 398 Yellow Peril Redux: From Coolies to Cars, Trade Wars and Coronavirus
EALC/GWS361 Gender and Women in East Asia
CHIN 409 Chinese Readings in Social Sciences: Cultures of Law
EALC 550 Gender and Women in China
EALC/HIST120 East Asian Civilization
EALC 550 History of China's Borderlands
EALC 398 Sino-Japanese Relationship

Outreach and Publicity

NPR report by Emily Feng on Chinese nationality law: "For some athletes, what is Chinese is not so simple", Feb. 13, 2022.

Highlighted Publications

Shao, D. (2022). Red Star over Medicine: Redefining State-Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Early CPC History (1920s-1950s). East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14.

Shao, D. (2017). Manchuria in Modern East Asia, 1600s–1949. In D. Ludden (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History Oxford University Press.

Shao, D. (2011). Remote Homeland, Recovered Borderland: Manchus, Manchoukuo, and Manchuria, 1907–1985. (The World of East Asia). University of Hawai'i Press.

Shao, D. (2009). Chinese by Definition: Nationality Law, Jus Sanguinis, and State Succession, 1909-1980. Twentieth-Century China, 35(1), 4-28.

Shao, D. (2009). Borders and Borderlands. In A. Iriye, & P.-Y. Saunier (Eds.), The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History (pp. 99a-102b). Palgrave Macmillan.

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Recent Publications

Dan, S. (2023). Red Star over Medicine: Redefining Doctor-Patient Relationship in Early CPC History (1930s–1960s). East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 17(2), 170-200.

Shao, D. (2022). Red Star over Medicine: Redefining State-Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Early CPC History (1920s-1950s). East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 14.

Shao, D. (2017). Manchuria in Modern East Asia, 1600s–1949. In D. Ludden (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History Oxford University Press.

Shao, D. (2014). Review: Pär Kristoffer Cassel's Grounds of Judgment: Extraterritoriality and Imperial Power in Nineteenth-Century China and Japan. American Historical Review, 119(2), 488-489.

Shao, D. (2013). Review: Tina Phillips Johnson's Childbirth in Republican China: Delivering Modernity. Journal of Asian Studies, 72(2), 448-450.

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